Sunday Services
Two Morning Services
Our services are grounded in the Word through music, prayer, and Bible centered preaching. Both of our services last roughly an hour. Come as you are!
9:00 a.m. service is a more traditional service meeting in the sanctuary. This service is livestreamed on Facebook and recorded.
11:30 a.m. is a contemporary service meeting in the activities center.
Sunday School - all ages
Between the two morning services at 10:10 a.m.
Come be a part of our faith family's diverse classes across our campus, where you can explore personal, practical, and missional opportunities to enhance your knowledge of God's Word and your love for one another. Whether you're a child, a student, or in your golden years, our Sunday Schools are the perfect place to find your community within our family.
Children Ministry for all Morning Services
We offer classes for kids of all ages, including a nursery for newborns to 2-year-olds, Children's church for kids aged 2 to kindergarten and 1st to 3rd graders (4th & 5th graders stay in the service), and age-specific Sunday School classes between services.
Our Children's Department provides a safe space with child check-in systems, ensuring your child's safety while they learn about our loving Big God.