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Preschool Parent Handbook

Purpose and Goal:

Our purpose is to provide a spiritual, emotional, cognitive, social, and physical nurturing of children in a safe, wholesome, non-biased Christian environment. Our goal is to nurture young children in the love of Jesus Christ and to provide each child with a positive introduction to formal education. In addition, a spiritual foundation is provided with appropriate Bible lessons and songs and through Christian concepts of love, cooperation, and helpfulness displayed in the classroom.

Class Tuitions and Fees:

All classes have a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee due with the registration form. Tuition is due at the beginning of each month. Tuition remains the same regardless of the number of days your child attends due to holidays, absences, and school closings. It is impossible to operate on a charge basis, so we respectfully ask that you keep your child’s account current. If tuition is not paid by the end of the month, without prior notification of why the tuition has not been paid, your child will be considered withdrawn from school and will forfeit his/her place in class. All tuition and fees are non-refundable.

If you have more than one child enrolled in the preschool, your family will receive a 20% monthly tuition discount on the second child.

A $25.00 late charge will be assessed on all monthly tuition accounts that are not paid by the 10th of the month, unless prior arrangements have been discussed with the director.

A supply fee is assessed at the time of registration, and again for the second semester in January. The fee is different for each class. These fees provide all arts and crafts materials needed for your child each semester such as markers, crayons, paints, papers, glues, and etc.

Bright Wheel:

We use the BrightWheel app/platform for all billing and messaging within our preschool. Once enrolled, you will receive access to the app and more information will be given.

Class Times and Schedule:

All classes meet from 9:00 am to 12 noon. Class days and times may need to be changed or dropped due to changes in enrollment or registration.

4-5 year old preschool class (Pre-Kindergarten)

Meets Monday through Friday. Monthly tuition: $250.00. Supply fee per semester: $45.00. (16 children total allowed in this class.)

The child must be 4 or 5 years old by July 1st of enrolling year. The child must be fully toilet trained.

3-4 year old preschool class (Middlers)

Meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Monthly tuition: $200.00. Supply fee per semester: $40.00. (16 children total allowed in this class.)

For this class, the child must be 3 years old by July 1st of the enrolling year. The child must be fully toilet trained.

2-3 year old preschool class (Playgroup)

Meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Monthly tuition: $200.00. Supply fee per semester: $40.00. (8 - 10 children total allowed in this class.)

For this class, the child must be 2 years old by July 1st of the enrolling year. Children in playgroup that are not toilet trained must provide diapers and wipes daily.


Most experts will agree that children, especially young children, learn better through play rather than through structured academic activities. We embrace this concept and provide a wide range of hands-on activities that encourage children to experiment with science, math, language, music, and art. Blocks, painting, toys, dress up, puzzles, math manipulations, games, gross motor play, and role play are available to the children.

Our classes contain three basic educational components each of which are designed to aid in specific developmental areas. During the course of each class, the children will have the opportunity to participate in free activities, small group encounters, and whole group experiences directed by the teacher. Free choice activities allow for personal interests and self-expression. Small group encounters are designed to enhance social skills and provide individual attention. Whole group experiences are intended to encourage listening skills, to develop the ability to follow directions, and to practice being part of a large group.

Religious Education

We believe that spiritual growth is an integral and inseparable part of a child’s well-being. If nurtured properly, this spiritual growth occurs naturally in conjunction with the other aspects of a child’s development. Our objective is to provide this spiritual nurturing by way of our day to day actions, speech, and our non-denominational Christian curriculum. We are a Christian institution and, therefore, the Bible truths are taught regarding Jesus as Savior and God’s Son. We endeavor to show God’s love for us by teaching and practicing the “Golden Rule.” We encourage an attitude of thanksgiving for God’s gifts by teaching and using simple prayers in class and appropriate Bible stories.

The Middlers and Pre-Kindergarten classes will attend Chapel once a week for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, the Bible truth is taught through various Bible stories, songs, and finger plays.


Since we see our school as an extension of home, we will reinforce positive attitudes and behavior patterns that will benefit the child his/her whole life. Discipline will be based on an understanding of the child’s individual needs and stage of development. Discipline will be implemented to help the child develop inner control, acceptable behavior, and respect for the rights of others. Discipline is viewed as corrective and instructional, not merely punishment.

If a child is unable to demonstrate self-controlling behavior, a brief time-out results for the child to regain control. Time-out occurs only when other measures fail and is used as an opportunity for the child to regroup, not as a punishment.

By law and institution, philosophy and policy, the following forms of discipline are strictly forbidden: hitting, spanking, shaking, shaming, labeling, pushing, or any other reaction to the child’s behavior. All forms of corporal (physical) punishment are strictly forbidden.

If a child is unable to gain control, demonstrates repetitive disrespectful or abusive behavior, or requires more individual attention than can be given within child to staff ratios, the teacher will contact a parent. Repeated uncontrollable behavior can lead to permanent dismissal or attendance on probationary terms.

Grievance Policy

COBP is committed to providing the best possible conditions for families and learning conditions for students. We encourage our parents to offer positive and constructive criticism. It is the policy of COBP to encourage parents to frequently discuss complaints or problems on an informal basis with the child’s teacher. If complaints or problems addressed in this manner are not satisfactorily resolved, then the procedures set forth below are designed to encourage prompt, fair, and cooperative handling of such complaints:

  1. Parent presents the problem to the Director within five (5) working days, after the incident occurs.
  2. Director responds to the problem within two (2) working days.
  3. If unresolved, parents may present the problem to the Senior Pastors and COBP Board of Christian Education in writing.
  4. Senior Pastors and COBP Board of Christian Education will review and consider the problem and provide parents a written response.

Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Among our values is respect of self and others and keeping with the admonition, Crab Orchard Baptist Church Preschool will tolerate no form of abuse, harassment, or discrimination based on sex, age, race, national origin or disabilities.

School Dress Code

Crab Orchard Baptist Preschool does not have a dress code, per se; however, the children will need to wear comfortable clothes which are suitable for sitting on the floor, playing, running, jumping, and messy art activities. Please note that flip flops are not recommended shoes, as they are a tripping hazard and inappropriate for play time.

Children may not wear clothing with suggestive or vulgar words or graphics.

Holiday Celebrations

Our classes will celebrate seasonal holidays with stories, games, art projects, food, and special guests. The celebrations of ethnic and religious traditions are an important aspect of human development. The annual cycle of holidays creates a rhythm and focal point for these traditions in the lives of children.

Crab Orchard Baptist Preschool allows children of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds to enroll. However, it should be understood by all parents that we are first and foremost a Christian institution; and therefore, we will celebrate the Christian traditions in regard to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

The Christian significance of these holidays will be observed in addition to, not to the exclusion of, the secular side of these holidays. We understand that such traditions such as Santa, Easter Bunny, etc. are all part of the holiday fun and may be incorporated in the activities as well.

Secondly, the parents should understand that we are also an American institution and will introduce and participate in patriotic holidays and themes at an appropriate age level.

We will celebrate autumn and harvest with a Harvest Celebration. We prefer to accentuate autumn and harvest, not Halloween. Room decorations will be friendly and non-frightening or representative of Halloween in any way. Please do not dress your child as a ghost, witch, devil, skeleton, evil villain, or etc.

During harvest time, teachers may choose themed units, such as autumn, spiders, dress up, pretending, being afraid, and etc. The teacher will focus on the aspect of God’s love and protection.

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are very important to young children, so we encourage parents to celebrate your child’s birthday at school. You may provide a small snack that day. You may also send “treat” bags, but it is not required. Parents are welcome to come and enjoy the snack with us. If your child has a summer birthday, you may choose a day within the school year to recognize his/her “birthday”, if you so desire.


Each child will need to bring a snack each day. We ask that you provide your child with a small nutritious snack and drink. Please do not send candy or soda for your child’s snack. Candy and soda are not nutritionally balanced choices and cause problems for the other children who wish to eat the same sweet treats. The preschool reserves these treats for special occasions and events. Occasionally, the class will enjoy a small snack that either the teacher or a parent provides, so please inform your child’s teacher of any food allergies.

Parent Involvement

We strongly encourage parents to be active in their child’s classroom. There are many different ways interested parents can get involved:

  • Assisting during field trips
  • Organizing classroom parties or fundraisers
  • Sending food and supplies for parties and special occasions
  • Reading to your child’s class
  • Making a craft or special project with the class
  • Volunteering an “extra pair of hands” in the class

These are just a few suggestions. If these do not appeal to you, we’ll find a way that does!

Visitation and Conferences

Parents are always welcome to visit the school anytime. We have an open-door policy and encourage parents to visit their child’s classroom.

If you need to speak with your child’s teacher regarding his/her progress or if a problem arises, please call ahead of time to schedule a conference meeting. We want to provide our parents with uninterrupted attention. Teachers are always willing to discuss progress, problems, and agendas with parents.


Please call the school or your teacher to notify the teacher if your child will be absent.

Illness Policy

Children should not be brought to school when they are too ill or uncomfortable to participate in the normal daily activities. Children that become ill at school should be picked up as quickly as possible to help avoid exposing other children. Caring for others is paramount in controlling the spread of illnesses.

Please do not send your child to school until he/she has been free of fever for at least 24 hours without medication. Please do not send your child to school if he/she has been vomiting or had diarrhea within 24 hours prior to school. We respectfully ask that if your child has had “strep”, ring worm, or other serious viral or bacterial infections that you do not return him/her to school for a full 48 hours after beginning antibiotic treatment.

If your child develops a contagious disease (for example: Chicken Pox, hand-foot mouth disease), please inform your child’s teacher so that we can inform other parents. Your child’s name will be kept strictly confidential.


Each child is asked to bring the following items during the first week of school or shortly after enrolling. The supplies are provided in a list form for your convenience. Your child does not need crayons, scissors, glue, markers, etc. These items are covered by the supply fees.

  • A change of clothes to keep in cubby – shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. These need to be weather appropriate (cool clothes for hot months and warm clothes for cold months.)
  • A FULL SIZE book bag to carry snack and papers home.
  • A lunchbox to carry your child’s daily snack.

Wish List (These are items that useful within our classrooms if you choose to donate)

  • paper towels
  • baby wipes
  • hand soap
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disinfecting spray/Lysol
  • Disinfecting wipes/Clorox
  • Ziploc bags (all sizes)

Holidays, Weather, School Closings – Policy for 2-hour delays

We follow the Raleigh County Schools calendar, including Raleigh County “IS” or faculty senate days and accrued instructional time days. Like Raleigh County, if school is closed for students, we will also be closed. You will receive a preschool calendar before the start of school. This calendar will outline our tentative plans for the year. If there is a change in our school calendar, you will be notified promptly.

We will follow the Raleigh County Schools inclement weather report. The only exception to this will be when Raleigh County calls a 2 hour delay, the preschool will be OPEN from 10:30 – 12:30. Children may arrive as early as 10:15 on 2 hour delay days. Please listen to your local radio station (usually 99.5 fm) or local TV station (WVVA – Channel 6 for cable subscribers) for closings or delays.

If the weather should worsen during school hours, please do not hesitate to pick up your child early. The safety of you and your child is our primary concern.

Immunizations and Medical Form

An updated immunization record and a medical form signed by your child’s pediatrician are required for our files before the start of school. If your child experiences any health changes during the school year, please inform your teacher immediately. If you change physicians or hospital preference, please inform your teacher immediately.

Health and Safety of Your Children

At the time of enrollment an emergency form must be completed with an attached record of immunizations, list of allergies, and health assessment form. On the emergency form the parent is to indicate the name, address, and telephone number of the doctor who would be contacted in case of a medical emergency. A parent/guardian signed permission for emergency medical services is mandatory at the time of enrollment.

If needed, all emergency medications such as an inhaler or epi-pen should be left with COBP for the entire school year. The safety of the students at COBP is our top priority. If a serious accident occurs while in the care of COBP staff, parents will be notified immediately, and an accident report will be filled out by the staff on duty. Emergency services may also be contacted based on the situation. Minor injuries; such as bumps, bruises, scratches etc., will be reported to parents at pick up on an accident form. Staff members observe and react to each incident individually and use their skills to determine if the injury is minor or severe. If the severity of the injury is in question, parents will be notified. Other safety measures include: locked doors, working fire alarms, and church security system.

Important Rules to Remember

  1. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, phone number, family situations, or pick up persons. If a person is not on your child’s information for pick up, he/she is not authorized to take your child from school. This is for your child’s safety.
  2. Please do not allow your child to bring toy weapons or money to school.
  3. We will close our entrance/exit doors and lock them after children have arrived for school. If you need to bring your child to school late or pick up early, you will need to call or text within Brightwheel so we can let you in/unlock the doors.
  4. Please drive slowly and watch carefully for children in the parking lot during drop off and pick up. Additionally, please do not allow children to play or linger in the parking lot. Parking your car to avoid the pick up/drop off line and walking up to get your child can potentially be a safety hazard for little ones walking between moving vehicles. Thank you for understanding!

Crab Orchard Baptist Preschool is a service of Crab Orchard Baptist Church and is an extension of Crab Orchard Baptist Christian Education Program. This ministry is governed by the Board of Christian Education, the senior pastor, and the preschool directors.

Class Descriptions and Expectations

2-3 year old preschool class (Playgroup)

Child must be 2 years old by July 1st of enrolling school year. Toilet trained is not required, but diapers, wipes, and any skin creams must be provided daily. Teachers will assist with toileting and diaper changing. It is acceptable if the child brings a security item to school. However, the item must not be so large as to cause distraction in the classroom.

While providing a sense of classroom security, teachers observe student behavior with understanding and patience. Teachers will provide affection and support, comforting children when they cry and reassuring them when they are fearful. Teachers recognize the fact that this may be a child’s first experience away from the regular family routine.

Children will enjoy both individual play – the primary focus of 2 year olds- as well as group activities and opportunities to interact with peers. Teachers will introduce the concepts of sharing with others (realizing this sometimes does not come easily), listening, taking turns, following in-line, and other important concepts that will help the child succeed in other class room settings.

Teachers will provide age appropriate opportunities for children that include using both small motor skills (cutting, coloring, gluing, etc.) and large motor skills (running, jumping, kicking balls, riding toys, parachute play).

Each day, opportunities will be provided for children to use a variety of materials, such as pictures, puppets, books, and objects to increase their growing vocabulary. Children will be encouraged to talk and practice new words through songs, games, and finger plays. Children will also be encouraged to listen to the teacher and to each other during story time. Teacher planned activities will be short and varied with flexibility to move when children lose interest.

Concepts that will be introduced and reinforced in different activities include: alphabet, colors, shapes, counting to 10, days of the week, seasons, and name recognition.

3 to 4 year old preschool class (Middlers)

Child must be 3 years old by July 1st of enrolling year. The child must be completely toilet trained. This class is more structured than the playgroup and, therefore, we respectfully ask no security items must be allowed in the classroom, as they have been found to distract the children.

Teachers will provide affection and support, comforting children when they cry and reassuring them when they are fearful. Teachers will also plan experiences to help alleviate children’s fears and/or teach them to cope with their fears.

Teachers will reinforce what has been taught in playgroup such as taking turns, following in-line, and sharing. However, teachers do not always expect children to give up their favorite items. Teachers will also introduce self care skills and encourage children to become more independent.

Opportunities are provided for three year olds to play by themselves, next to another child, with one or two other children, and as a part of the group. Space is provided for children to explore and exercise their large muscle skills such as, running, jumping, climbing, catching, and throwing a ball and riding a tricycle.

Opportunities and materials are provided for children to develop fine motor skills. These materials may consist of blocks, crayons, play dough, cutting, gluing, and more. Art is viewed as a creative expression and exploration of materials. The process is more important than the end product.

Teachers provide many opportunities for children to expand their language skills through stories, songs, finger plays, and library time.

Concepts that will be introduced and reinforced through various activities include: colors, number recognition 1-10, shapes, alphabet recognition, name recognition, spelling and tracing name, calendar, seasons, weather, and more.

4 to 5 year old preschool class (Pre-Kindergarten)

Child must be 4 or 5 years old by July 1st of enrolling school year. We respectfully ask no security items be allowed in the classroom, as they have been found to distract the children.

A majority of the concepts given above for three year olds is used or built upon when dealing with four and five year olds. The following items are an extension of those already mentioned. This class will focus on skills that will help the child excel in kindergarten.

Teachers recognize that in many areas of learning there is more than one right answer and children learn from experimentation. Teachers move among the children to facilitate learning by asking questions, offering suggestions, or adding materials. Positive guidance techniques such as redirecting, setting clear limits, modeling, and encouragement are used.

Four year olds begin to develop an understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them through observation and interaction with people and objects. They seek to find solutions to concrete problems. Teachers facilitate learning about math, science, social studies, health, and other content areas through integrated multilevel activities. With an increased attention span, four year olds are encouraged to participate in all group activities.

Fine motor skills will continue to be developed in preparation for writing. Children will be encouraged to learn how to write their names in preparation for kindergarten. The children will also be encouraged to recite their birthdays and full addresses and phone numbers, as well as their parents’ names.

The alphabet is introduced through various language activities. The children are given many opportunities to see how reading and writing are useful. Children are exposed to many activities that develop language and literacy. Some activities include listening to stories and poems, library time, dictating stories, seeing classroom charts and other printed materials, participating in dramatic play and more.

Math readiness skills such as patterning, classifying, sorting, counting, comparing, and graphing are introduced and practiced.

Children will be encouraged to be independent with dressing, toileting, cleaning, opening snack and juice, and packing their own book bags. Independence will provide them with a sense of achievement as well as prepare them for kindergarten.

Special Tips for a Positive Preschool Experience

  1. Your attitude is contagious! Be positive and confident about your decision to enroll your child in preschool. You have made a wise decision! Your child will reflect your confidence and positive attitude.
  2. When dropping off your child in the morning, a quick, clean, confident good-bye will be the best for both of you. Don’t linger, but remind your child you will be there to pick him/her up shortly. As soon as you are gone, your child will quickly become absorbed in the activities of the day.
  3. Be sure your child gets plenty of sleep and has a good breakfast before coming to school. In addition, do not send your child to school if he/she is not feeling well enough to participate.
  4. Encourage your child to talk about school activities. Look for positives and don’t dwell on negative experiences. However, don’t be concerned if your child doesn’t have a lot to say – some kids just don’t keep their parents informed as well as others.
  5. Check with your teacher for activities you can do at home to carry through on concepts learned at school. Let your preschooler teach you! Preschoolers are always anxious to share a new song or finger play. Your interest and involvement will give your child a sense of achievement and importance.
  6. Please read all papers and newsletters that are sent home with your child. Watch for notes and announcements posted at school and outside your child’s class. Stay informed so your child won’t miss out anything!